Six tips to help boost your company’s organic Facebook reach

Phil Hawkins
2 min readSep 13, 2021

Facebook marketing has evolved immensely since the inception of the company. Organic reach, the number of people who are shown your posts in their feed, is the lowest it has ever been. Considering all the obstacles, here are six tips to help boost your company’s organic reach.

Promoting products and services solely will hurt more than help — have a diverse range of photos

Since users will be more engaged with variety in your page, it’s best to have varied content, including brand story posts, authority building posts, lead nurture posts, and personal posts. Given that Facebook is a social media platform, it needs to be personalised — it’s important also to include team posts and highlight witty and creative posts.

As tempting as emojis are, stay away from them unless they add meaning to your post.

Since they are tiny images, emojis weigh down the post and are less likely to reach a bigger crowd. However, when used in moderation (less is more), they can help. Unfortunately, there are so many rules to emojis and how they can easily hurt the algorithm that it’s almost easier to forego them.

Love is stronger than like (in more ways than one)

The love reaction is stronger than the like reaction because it weighs more on the algorithm. So, utilizing thought-provoking posts or bright, happy scenarios can produce a “love” reaction versus a like. Spread the love.

Bypass the algorithm with Facebook Stories

Stories float above the algorithm since they aren’t a part of the newsfeed. Stories should be easy to understand but engaging. Showing new products or advice about them is a good start, as well as keeping them personal.

Start a conversation!

Facebook, at the end of the day, is a community. Starting a conversation on a post that engages users through humour or curiosity — not manipulation into winning a prize. Drawing them in with interesting ideas will inspire people to comment and share. Using a question sticker or a poll can be one easy click for the user while driving engagement at the same time.

Less is usually more, especially when it comes to posts per day

In fact, engagement actually decreases when you post too often. It’s best to post between 1–3 times per day, depending on your following. If you have an international audience with a range of time zones, stagger your posts per day to reach out to different audiences.

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Phil Hawkins

Founder and Director of the Award-Winning Social Media Marketing Agency Dedicated to Helping Small Businesses Grow